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Welcome to Silent Scream Foundation

We promote mental well-being

Silent Scream Foundation (SSF) is a Non-Profit Organization legally registered in Ghana under the Company’s Act. The foundation’s objective is to identify and safely support individuals battling mental wellness.

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Every bit helps

“Depression crept up slowly and completely wiped me out. It was my counsellor who first mentioned depression to me. Hearing it out loud hurt, but I needed the wakeup call. Looking back, I am glad it was her that noticed first. She has supported me ever since.”
University of Ghana
“It is renewed hope that with the help of someone else, I can be better than this. I can live a better life than this. I can overcome this. And it all started when she placed her hands in mine”
University of Ghana

Need help in fighting depression and it’s challenges?

Speak to a Professional Counsellor or Therapist via the WhatsApp Chat Portal below.