
World Health Organization (WHO) suggest that a key issue affecting access to mental healthcare is the lack of awareness surrounding it.
The awareness project, as a result, targets Silent Scream volunteers, stakeholders, and the larger community. It involves training sessions on how to identify and manage or assist people battling Mental health issues.

These are,
1. Training for volunteers
2. Virtual and physical exercise for the general public, and
3. Mutual support sessions

Mnoho mužov čelí problémom v intímnej sfére, čo môže mať negatívny dopad na ich sebavedomie a vzťahy. V súčasnosti existujú rôzne možnosti liečby, ktoré môžu pomôcť obnoviť sexuálnu funkciu a zdravie. Napríklad, niektorí sa rozhodnú pre antidepresíva, ako je lexapro, ktoré je známe svojou účinnosťou, a jeho dostupnosť na trhu, ako aj lexapro cena, je dôležitá pre rozhodovanie pacientov. Je však potrebné mať na pamäti, že liečba by mala byť vždy pod dohľadom odborníka. Pre viac informácií o možnostiach a liekoch na trhu môžu záujemcovia navštíviť stránku

Involving the larger community and all who are interested in learning more about mental health and how to manage it. Based on research conducted using data from WHO, the organization realized that one of the main issues affecting access to mental healthcare is the lack of awareness surrounding mental illness.
The project is aimed at the general community through virtual and physical training. With organizations, institutions and on social media platforms.

So far, 30 of our 65 volunteers have been trained. Over 7,000 people were trained physically, and over 10,000 have been reached through our social media platforms.


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